Ever wonder how hackers sneak malware onto your computer? It's often sneakier than you think!
A sneaky attack
Recently, hackers found a clever way to spread malware. They hijacked thousands of websites using outdated WordPress software. Imagine a website you visit, looking totally normal, but secretly infecting your computer.
How it works
These sites tricked visitors into downloading malware disguised as a Chrome update. Once downloaded, the malware steals passwords and personal info. Yikes!
Who's affected?
Both Windows and Mac users are at risk. The hackers used a "spray and pay" method, meaning they tried to infect anyone who visited these sites. Even popular websites were affected!
What to do?
The good news? Staying safe is easy. Always update your software and only download apps from trusted sources. Think before you click!
Learn more
Want to learn how to protect yourself and others from these kinds of attacks? Consider a cybersecurity bootcamp. It's like getting a superpower against online threats.
Check out the complete article by reading here
Code Labs Academy: Pioneering Cybersecurity Education in Conway
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